Top 3 Home Cardio Exercises

If you are used to using cardio machines in the gym, e.g. rower, treadmill etc. for cardio then you need to replace that cardio when you are doing home workouts. It’s all very well doing squats, press ups, planks etc, but if you are a pretty fit person then you are going to need more than that to get your heart rate up sufficiently to get a good workout. So here are my top 3 home cardio exercises. Put them into your current home workout circuit to add that much needed cardio twist!

Split Squat Jumps – side to side

Start in split squat position, i.e. 1 leg forward, 1 leg back, both knees bent. Rather than just jumping straight up and down as you would with a regular split squat jump, jump up and across laterally at the same time. Aim to move as far laterally as you can in whilst maintaining your balance. Have soft knees as you land each time and try to spring back and forth without pausing.

180 Squat Jumps

Start in a squat position, thighs parallel to the ground. Jump up and twist round a full 180 degrees so you are facing the opposite direction. As you land, bend into the squat, ready to spring back the other way. If it’s too hard to jump all the way round bend your knees less to start with. This exercise will add the transverse (arc) pane to your workouts.

High Knees

Stand in upright position with hands at hip height. Fire the knees up to touch your hand alternately as fast as you can. Don’t worry if you can’t reach your hands to start with, just go as high and fast as you can.

Conclusion – Top 3 Home Cardio Exercises

You really don’t need a gym or any fitness equipment to get a great cardio and resistance workout. But if your heart rate isn’t up to the point where you are puffing hard you need to add an additional cardio element. These 3 exercises do just that! Between them they cover all 3 planes of movement as well (front, lateral and transverse) which is important.

Visit the main page of my website here; Complete Fitness 4 Life – Personal and Fitness Trainer Tunbridge Wells.